#LEGO Diorama – 14
I started building my LEGO diorama three weeks ago. The count was 30,917, now I have to add another 2626 pieces for a grand total of 33,543.
#LEGO Diorama – 13
I started building my LEGO diorama last week. The count was 29,838, now I have to add another 1079 pieces for a grand total of 30,917.
#LEGO Diorama – 12
I started building my LEGO diorama last week. The count was 27291, now I have to add another 2547 pieces for a grand total of 29,838.
#LEGO Diorama – 12
I started building my LEGO diorama this week. The count was 26,129, now I have to add another 1162 pieces for a grand total of 27,291.
#LEGO Diorama – 11
I started building my LEGO diorama this week. The count was 24,993, now I have to add another 1136 pieces for a grand total of 26,129.
#LEGO Diorama – 10
I started building my LEGO diorama this week. The count was 22,288, now I have to add another 2705 pieces for a grand total of 24,993.
#LEGO Diorama – 9
I am now beginning to build vertically(finally). I added 1353 bricks to the current build for a grand total of 22,288 pieces of LEGO.
The Bookshop
RobinMuller #bookshop #used bookstore #books
#LEGO Diorama – 8
The new brick total is 5077 for a grand total of 20935, now I have to start building vertically.